Thursday, May 21, 2009

The inner game of a successful entrepreneur

Being a successful entrepreneur is an inner game. It's all about how you manage your mind and your internal beliefs. In Timothy Gallwey's famous book The Inner Game of Tennis, he pointed out that tennis players are often totally obsessed with external things (the new tennis racket, the tennis shoes, the competition, the weather, etc.). They tend to lose site of the most important factor to being a great tennis player - the inner game - the mental attitudes and internal focus that are necessary to succeed.

Being a successful entrepreneur is no different. It's the inner game that is the greatest challenge, not the external factors that are continually changing. Success for your startup is not really about the economy, or your competition or about the next technology platform. It's about you.

Last week I led a workshop in Prague for a group of 48 experienced entrepreneurs. I asked them a simple question -

"What are the most important traits that a successful entrepreneur must have?"

Here is their list:
  1. Passion & Enthusiasm in what you do
  2. The Belief that you will succeed
  3. The ability to keep a clear Vision of a successful future
  4. Determination and Persistance
  5. The ability to Motivate yourself and others
  6. Salesmanship & the ability to be Persuasive
  7. Effective communication and good Negotiation skills
  8. The ability to be a Leader
  9. The ability to Listen
  10. Keeping focus on the Customer
  11. Hiring the right people (and knowing how to identify them)
  12. The ability to manage scarce resources effectively
  13. A supportive family and balanced lifestyle
  14. Focus and the ability to Deliver (making a good idea work)
So take 2 minutes and examine your own situation as an entrepreneur. Which of the items in the list accurately describe you? Look at the list and honestly appraise yourself. Are there one or two areas that you need to strengthen in your own character? What would the effect on your startup business be if you did this? Just ponder this for a moment...

What if you were a tennis player and you discovered you needed help with a certain aspect of your game, for example, your backhand. Wouldn't your personal coach setup a training plan designed to strengthen your backhand? If you discover areas of your inner entrepreneur game that need strengthening, don't just think about it. Take action. One action might be to hire a personal coach. Hire the best one you can find and then make massive progress in this area. You will be surprised with the results.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Let the old trees die

While the global finance crisis might be showing some signs of improvement, the outlook for the entrepreneur is still bleak. Without easy access to capital, entrepreneurs cannot grow. A forest without new growth will age quickly just like an economy without new growth will fall. While governments around the world are busy propping up old businesses in order to save jobs, they might just be missing an important point. Old forests are supposed to die in order to make way for the new.

This weekend I read about Joseph Schumpeter, a Czech economist who was a professor at Harvard for over 30 years. His theory was that there is a process he called Creative Destruction, in which after a long period of growth, a crisis must arise. Each crisis creates its own new dynamics and as a result, new technologies will emerge or be used in a new manner. As a result of this, entrepreneur activities will increase, new companies will start and some of the old companies will die off. The old professor believed that this is a natural cleaning process, especially after long periods of sustained growth, and it is necessary because it creates a capacity for new growth.

Early-stage entrepreneurs must have access to capital in order to survive. During the internet boom of the early 1990's we learned that giving huge amounts of money to young and inexperienced entrepreneurs is like inviting the local Hell's Angels group to your house for an all-you-can-drink free beer bash. They will probably drink you dry and trash your house in the process. Even if in small amounts, early-stage entrepreneurs must have access to capital in order to keep their dreams alive and to meet simple milestones for solid growth.

For the representatives from local government who are reading this article, please keep the programs alive that give small loans and grants to early-stage entrepreneurs. Make it easier for them. You can also encourage companies that assist startups by offering them tax breaks and incentives. Make certain your local new growth economy is getting help so that it does not wither and die. When your big old trees come crashing to the ground, it is only the new growth that will sustain you.

For the entrepreneurs who are reading this article, don't give up. This crisis will also pass. They all do. Whether it takes 6 months or 2 years, if you keep your dream alive, you will be positioned for rapid growth when the smoke clears. Get help from companies that promote meetings between local governments, entrepreneurs and venture capital. Keep the faith. Help is on the way.