- This is a blog for Norwegian startups.
- This is a blog for creative people who have ideas.
- This is a blog for energetic people who want to convert their ideas into business.
- This is a blog for small businesses who have vision.
- This is a blog for small businesses who want to grow and create.
Official Answer: The ideas and concepts that Norwegian entrepreneurs have are relevant and interesting to a global market. Why limit the discussion and ideas to a language that only 4.5 million people speak?
Unofficial Answer: Jeg er en amerikaner som har bodd i Norge lenge. Faktum er at jeg skrive ellendig Nårsk. Det tar meg lang tid og blir ikke bra. OK, mens jeg jobber på dette, skal jeg la være å dele ideer og vente? Jeg tar imot gjerne kommentarer.
Who is this blog designed for?
This blog is for you if you are a Norwegian startup and want to accelerate your business. We work with companies in all four startup stages:
- Phase 4: You already have products and have started selling internationally.
- Phase 3: You have customers in Norway, but have not started selling internationally.
- Phase 2: You have a product, but do not yet have your first customers.
- Phase 1: You have an idea, you are actively developing it, but do not yet have a product.
This blog is for you if you want help from people who have been in your shoes before.
- Rick Salmon, Xelerator
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